Keeping pests at bay in your business: a prerequisite for food safety

The sight that all restaurateurs and hoteliers fear – the dreaded mouse droppings sequestered…

Norovirus – the season will soon be upon us…

Norovirus, the most common cause of infectious gastroenteritis (diarrhoea and vomiting) in…

Fresh herbs: make sure they are safe…

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a reminder about the preparation and eating of fresh…

You may be operating safely… but are your contractors?

There has been a recent case of a Loch Fyne restaurant being fined £15,000 after a window…

Deep fat fryers: safety advice

Deep fat fryers are the most common cause of serious claims as they present a number of safety…

14 actions to take to avoid slips, trips and falls in your restaurant

Slips and trips are the most common hazards in the workplace and make up over a third of all…

Recent prosecution of food business for lack of hot water

Recently the owners of a café were fined £14,140 after being found guilty of food hygiene…

Risk of food poisoning – under-cooked lambs’ liver

District Judge Michael Snow criticised the firm – which avoided prosecution because it…

Increased enforcement of e.coli guidance

It has come to our attention that enforcement activity relating to the Food Standards Agency…

Accidents: to report or not to report?

Regulations (RIDDOR) have been in place since 1995, there is often confusion as to whether an…