So you’ve put the work in to make sure your business is safe and compliant – you’ve got a secure reputation and you’ve got customers coming through the doors. But while you’re safe in the knowledge that your own food safety, quality and hygiene standards are high, are you confident that your supply chain is working to the same standards?

In today’s landscape where food safety and quality is vital, approving your supply chain is a critical step for food business owners – and one of the ways you can do that is through an audit. So we’re here to guide you through the essentials of supply chain auditing.

The importance of auditing your supply chain

Safety, transparency and quality are non-negotiables in the food industry, and carrying out thorough audit of your supply chain is a great way to ensure compliance with the law and helps identify any risks that could compromise food safety, protecting your customers and your brand reputation.

What does the law say?

The Food Safety Act 1990 states that businesses are responsible for guaranteeing all their food is safe to consume and meets quality standards. Plus, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) sets out specific guidelines on food hygiene and traceability. It’s important to use a reputable supplier to ensure the products you buy have been stored, processed and handled safely.

Key considerations when auditing your supply chain

Auditing your supply chain in the food industry requires a methodical approach.

  1. Supplier selection and evaluation

Begin with a risk assessment of your suppliers. Evaluate their compliance history, food safety standards, and complaints you’ve had. It’s important that you work with suppliers who align with your values on safety and quality.

  1. Documentation and traceability

Ensure that your supply chain is fully documented. There should be detailed records of every product’s journey from source to sale, including all handling, processing, and transportation stages. This is vital for traceability, so you can take quick action in the event of a food safety incident.

  1. Engagement and communication

Make sure you keep open lines of communication with your suppliers. Regular engagement helps in fostering a collaborative approach to addressing challenges and ensures that your suppliers are aligned with your safety and quality standards.

  1. Continuous improvement

Supply chain auditing isn’t a one-time activity, so you’ll need to carry them out again at certain intervals to make sure your supply chain stays compliant and uses the findings to refine processes, address gaps and enhance overall resilience.

Survive and thrive with Food Alert

With everything the hospitality industry has been through over the past few years, a food safety incident is definitely the last thing you need on your plate. But your business can survive and thrive with the right support – and that’s where we come in. We’re able to complete bespoke auditing services for your business to make sure you’re getting the best out of your supply chain. That means we can focus on your products and any audit areas that are important to you.

There’s a reason we’re trusted by some of the most exciting names in hospitality – all our food safety (including comprehensive auditing services) help thousands of businesses to save time, achieve best-practice standards and thrive.

With over 30 years’ experience and a partnership with UKHospitality as their official food safety partner, there’s a reason we’re the hospitality industry’s safety provider of choice. Call us today on 020 7244 1900 or contact us here to discover how we can help your business.




