The ‘green’ agenda has been around for many years but is now a priority not only for governments but businesses too. In the world of hospitality this is also crucial with consumers prioritising brands that operate both ethically and sustainably.
According to UKH, 83% of consumers expect food businesses to become more sustainable. A further 65% expect to see ethically sourced foods and 54% want environmentally friendly packaging
For hospitality brands, it’s a tough challenge to reduce their carbon footprint but there are so many excellent examples of innovation from replacing plastic straws with paper ones and the growing trend for recyclable cups in coffee shops. The latter is key when you think we use an estimated 2.5 billion plastic coated coffee cups in the UK each year. Only 1 in 400 (0.25%) are recycled, approximately 500,000 are littered every day and the rest (95.75%) go into landfill.
Unfortunately, when it comes to compliance you can’t choose not to do it because you want to save the planet and cut down on paper.
So, what can operators do to reduce their mountain of compliance paperwork?
From due diligence diaries to training schedules and checklists – the paper trail is endless.
This is where making the switch to digital compliance can have a positive impact and help brands reduce their carbon footprint. Through food safety and hygiene applications, such as Alert65, operators can instantly bin their paperwork and not only do their bit to save the planet but also save on consumables too.
On average, a hospitality business with 12 venues produces 1,450 compliance pages, which is 17,400 pages per year. This equals five trees being cut down and 166 Kg of CO2 being produced.

By going digital, the same business can access all they need through handheld tablets or smartphones. Not only is it a more efficient way of working, it’s also a robust way of making sure their due diligence will withstand interrogation if required. Paper based systems can be easily forged and provide a lack of visibility, which isn’t going to help if you unfortunately find yourself in a conflict situation, such as a food poisoning challenge.
With 91% of leaders seeing sustainability as a central priority, we can expect to see immense changes in the near future as we work on building a sustainable hospitality sector.
Making the switch to digital compliance
Making the switch to Alert65 will allow you to say goodbye to unruly paper trails and to-do lists that seem to never end, while also allowing you to do your bit for the planet.
And it couldn’t be easier. We will have your back every step of the way as we manage the onboarding for you, taking the hassle out of the process.
If you’d like to find out more, simply give us a call on 020 7244 1900 and our team will be happy to discuss your compliance needs. Or get in touch with us online and we’ll call you back at a time that suits you.