Safety solutions designed to help you work smarter, not harder

Food safety management software- Alert65

Your complete food safety and health & safety management software. Put your business in expert hands and gain back valuable time by going digital with Alert65.

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Food Safety Audits

Bespoke audits designed by our experts for your business. Find out what you’re doing well, areas that need improvement and get a simple plan of action to get back on track.

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Food Safety Advice

Get expert advice, support and guidance 24/7 with our advice line. Manned by our expert team, our advice line means you’ll never have to face an issue alone ever again.

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24/7 compliance membership for multisite businesses

Software built to meet your business' demands

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Find out how Fuller’s benefit from our support


Managed and tenanted pubs throughout London and South East


Digital checklists assigned and completed

Protect your business with Check65

Create an accurate digital record

Removing the reliance on paper trails brings a whole host of benefits – including improved accuracy, time efficiency and reliability, all whilst making a positive impact on the environment.

Complete visibility of business risk

Check65 allows complete visibility of any risks across your entire business – whether you’re a single site or multi-site operator. By flagging issues and providing advice along the way, Check65 removes the reliance on pre-existing knowledge.

Benefit from smart reporting and dashboards

Check65 creates dashboards and reports to give you total visibility across all your sites. You can either download reports or connect to your own Business Intelligence system.

Book a Check65 demo today

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Audits and inspections

Whether it’s lack of time, lack of resource or you’re just not in a position to have an in-house compliance expert, it can be tough finding space for all your food hygiene and health & safety tasks on your to-do list. So let’s work together, shall we?

How it works:

Take a look at our other solutions

Nutrition and Calorie Management Software – Assure65

Streamline the management of suppliers, ingredients, menus, dishes and labelling with our end-to-end suite of smart software modules, Assure65.

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Food Analysis

Fulfill all your sampling, nutritional analysis and food labelling requirements from one source with our Sampling & Nutritional Analysis service.

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