What is a food hygiene rating (FHR)?

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme is a local authority and Food Standards Agency (FSA) partnership initiative which operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The FHR your business gets reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of inspection by the Environmental Health Officer. Inspections check compliance with legal requirements, and you’ll be given a rating from 5 to 0. It considers everything from food handling to how ingredients are stored, and of course, general hygiene.

What is an EHO looking for?

Usually, the EHO will turn up unannounced, so making sure your business is compliant and prepared is key. There are three main areas an EHO will inspect a business in to check food hygiene law is being complied with and that your food is safe to eat.

  • Food hygiene
    • How hygienically is the food handled?
    • How safe is the food preparation, cooking and reheating, cooling and storage?
  • Structure
    • Is the premises in good repair?
    • First impressions count and cleanliness is key, along with good maintenance and repair, a safe layout, good lighting, ventilation and pest control
  • Food safety management
    • Confidence in management is important
    • You’ll need to demonstrate robust procedures to keep food safe

Your EHO checklist

Use the below questions to check whether you’re ready for the EHO to come knocking.

  • Food safety management & paperwork
    • Do you have a food safety system in place like HACCP or SFBB?
    • Is everything up to date?
    • Are all foods that you prepare covered?
    • Is everything organised and easily available?
    • Are records honest and accurate?
    • Are you recording corrective actions?
    • Have you considered online food safety management?
    • Do you use food probes and keep them clean and calibrated?
    • Are staff fully trained?
  • Structure and cleaning
    • Do you have a cleaning schedule?
    • Are staff instructed and trained in the use of chemicals and cleaning standards?
    • Do disinfection products meet BS EN 1276 or BS EN 13697?
    • Do all staff know and follow the contact times for disinfectants and sanitiser?
    • Are chemicals correctly labelled and stored away from food?
    • Do you regularly clean behind equipment?
    • Do you carry out planned preventative maintenance?
    • Does the layout keep clean and unclean tasks and materials apart?
  • Cross-contamination controls
    • Are high-risk ready to eat foods and raw foods separated?
    • Do you have colour-coded boards?
    • Do you wash salad, vegetables and fruit?
    • Do you have disposable cloths or blue paper towels?
  • Temperature control
    • Do you cook and hold food at the correct temperature?
    • Do you know the temperatures your fridges and freezers need to be at?
    • Do you thaw high risk foods in the refrigerator?
  • Personal hygiene
    • Do you have separate basins for hand-washing?
    • Is there anti-bacterial liquid soap?
    • Are staff washing their hands effectively?
    • Do workers change into clean, protective clothing before work?
    • Do you have a first aid kit with blue waterproof plasters?
    • Do staff keep their hair back and/or wear a hair net or hat?
  • Allergen controls
    • Do you have supplier approval procedures?
    • Do you have an up-to-date allergen matrix?
    • Are staff trained in your allergy procedures?
  • Record keeping
    • Do you record fridge/freezer temperatures?
    • Do you keep records at Critical Control Points?
    • Do you have a food due diligence if required?
    • Do you do internal audits/inspections?
  • Pest control
    • Do you check your premises regularly for pests?
    • Do you have a pest control contract in place?
    • Do you have fly screens on open windows and doors?
    • Do you regularly remove food waste?
    • Are external bin areas clean with lids on bins?
  • Storage
    • Do you have a dry, clean and tidy storage areas?
    • Are foods labelled?
    • Do you have good stock rotation procedures?
    • Are goods clear of the wall and off the floor?
    • Are allergen ingredients stored in sealed containers?
    • Are foods covered?

Prepare for your inspection with Food Alert

Getting ready for an inspection can be tough – there’s a lot to consider and implement and it can be a daunting path to go down. That’s where we come in. If you’d like the backing of the Food Alert experts, just give us a call on 020 7244 1900 and see how we can help.





